FGE 2005 An Introduction to Supersymmetry
Feza Gürsey Institute
2005 Fall Term
The aim of the course is to teach the basic technical aspects of Rigid (global) Supersymmetry. The emphasis will be mostly on supersymmetry (SUSY) algebra and construction of supersymmetric actions and models. The goal of the set of lectures for the students is to get the ability to follow some of the literature without having difficulties with the technical issues. The course planned to be pedagogical but not to be formal in the sense of a text book. However, it is hoped that enough will be covered so that the participants will have necessary knowledge to study the remaining subjects on their own.
Topics :
1) SUSY Basics :
Why SUSY?, Grassmann algebra, spinors in four dimensions, N=1 SUSY algebra, chiral and vector multiplets, Wess-Zumino and N=1 SYM theories.
2) N=1 Superspace :
Superfields, chiral superfields, vector superfields, gauge invariant interactions and construction of the actions in superspace.
3) Extended SUSY :
Extended SUSY algebra, N=2 SYM, N=2 Matter and N=4 SYM theories in component formalism, extended superfield formalism in terms N=1 superfields.
4) SUSY in 6 and 10 dimensions :
Spinors in higher dimensions, N=1 SYM in 6 and 10 dimensions, and construction of N=2 and N=4 SYM in 4-dimensions by using dimensional reduction.
However note that, this is an informal special topic lecture. The topics and their offerings (if any) may vary due to the constraints on time, lecturer and students.
Text Books :
There will be no any particular book. However, the following textbooks will be very useful:
. Supersymmetry and Supergravity by Julius Wess and John Bagger.
. Introduction to Supersymmetry and Supergravity by Peter West.
. The Theory of Quantum Fields III by Steven Weinberg.
Printed copies of other useful references like research papers, reviews etc. will be given before, during or after each lecture.
Prerequisites :
The lectures are addressed to MSc. and PhD students in hep-th who are already possessing a minimum background of quantum field theory.
Registration :
Anybody who would like to follow the course should register.
Auditing is not allowed for unregistered students. However, PhD holders in a relevant area can audit the course. The deadline is October 20, 2005.